Tuesday, November 23, 2010

She Believes In Me

Disclaimer: This post is in no way meant to be a pity party nor an endorsement for Kenny Rogers.

Almost 7 weeks ago my friend Gloria died suddenly while on vacation in Colorado. She was one of those people who was special to nearly every person who knew her. And when Gloria died, many of us groped for words to describe what it was that made her so dear.

A couple weeks after Gloria died I was going about my morning routine which includes listening to our local radio station to catch up on the small-town news. The news was over and the first song came on before I could get the radio turned off (it's a country station and we don't stomach that very well in our house). Kenny Rogers' voice blared out the words "And she believes in me, I'll never know just what she sees in me." And it hit me. Gloria believed in me. No matter what I did or attempted to do, she was one of my biggest cheerleaders. And our relationship was like that from the get-go.

We moved to Harrisonville, MO in August 1998. My husband was hired as the youth pastor at the church where Gloria's husband was the pastor. In September, I was asked to be a small group leader for a community Bible study held at our church called Hearts at Home. Gloria was in my group. At first I was a little intimidated because I hadn't grown to know her yet. But after a few short weeks Gloria shared with me how much she liked our little group and that I was the best small group leader she had ever had. She talked about things such as my ability to keep the group moving when needed, or to allow silence when needed. She puffed me up.

That was the beginning of her cheerleading me for the next 12 years. She cheered me on when I taught on occasion at Hearts at Home. She cheered me on as I raised my children. She cheered me on when I opened my business. She cheered me on as we led together on our church's women's ministry team. She cheered and she cheered and she cheered. Even when I shared a recent story with her about how I opened my mouth when I shouldn't have, although what I said needed to be said --- she cheered me on. I can still hear her say with great enthusiasm, "Good for you!"

And for some of you a cheerleader may not be a big deal. For some of you there has always been a lady in your life to cheer you on through the adventures and trials. But I didn't grow up that way. My mother was never my cheerleader. She was never an encourager or a nurturer. That is not a pity statement and it is not an exaggeration. It just is what it is.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Waking Up From The Dream

A few nights ago I had a dream about a lady coming to my house for me to do her hair. She showed up here with a large bottle of hair dye. She was kind of an icky lady but not to the extreme. She was pushing hard for me to find time to do her hair. I was trying to be polite, and was trying to find a way to explain that I only cut hair for people that I knew. And no matter how nice I tried to be, she continued to be persistent and her ickyness grew with her persistence.
And that is the point that I made my decision. I didn't like this icky, pushy lady; so I woke myself up from the dream.
There. I fixed that problem. Hmpfh!
And then as I lay there thinking about the fact that I could just end a bad dream by making myself wake up, I found myself wishing we could do that in life.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just wake up from the bad situation we are in? Wake up - - no more grief. Wake up - - no more financial problems. Wake up - - your children have a problem-free life. Wake up - - and everything is better.

Guess what? We all get one ultimate Wake Up. When we go to sleep here and wake up there, with Him, all of our problems will be gone. No icky lady. No grief. No money issues. No health issues. Nothing but love and a life with our Jesus.

Clapping my hands for happiness.