To share one thing with you - on the 4th day at the work site I noticed a rusted sheet of galvanized steel (roofing) on the ground with tortillas spread out all over it. I also noticed about 150 flies all over the tortillas. That is when it struck me that at home I go nuts over one fly in my house. My family can attest to this - - I go berserk until the fly is dead! But I had lived for 4 days in a place covered in flies and had not been bothered at all. That is SO not me!! In thinking about why I wasn't bothered, I discovered that it was because my focus was where it should be. I was focused on my Jesus and doing His work. Nothing else mattered. For this one week I was unplugged from my world and plugged into God's world. I was separated from the TV, my phone and the computer. The noise of the world was shut out and I was able to tune into God's voice so very clearly. It was a week of being God-centered and for me, it was bliss. When I'm at home I am almost always plugged into this world. My phone is never far away, my iPod keeps me plugged into Facebook when I'm not near a computer, and our TV offers an endless source of noise that we call entertainment.
At home, I am so focused on the luxuries and comforts that I have surrounded myself with that even one fly can make me crazy.
As we started thinking about returning home from Guatemala, I began doing a mental inventory of what I missed at home. TV? No. Phone? No. Computer? No. My house? No. My job? My car? Anything at all? Nope. I finally came to the only thing on my list that I had longed for during that week - worship music. We had heard some hip-hop American tunes on the bus ride and in a restaurant, but there was no constant diet of Christian music.
So what did I learn on this trip? I learned to despise all my stuff. I have spent the last week going through my house and doing inventory. In my head I am constantly saying, "Nope, I don't need that. I don't need that either." My house and my life are filled with things that I don't really need. I plan to make some changes. Some changes have been immediate - - I have not turned the TV on since we returned. It hasn't been this determined voice in me that refuses to be immersed back into the world, but instead it is just a peaceful desire to not have the noise in my life. Other changes will probably take years before they are complete. I am still sorting many things out in my head.
I also learned that I hate my life that I have allowed to become filled with "stuff." And I learned that I love and adore and am passionate about a life filled with Jesus. My goal is to FILL my life with Jesus.
While we were in Guatemala, a random and odd thought popped into my head. It went something like this, "When I die, I don't want anyone to remember me for loving this world and the things in it. I don't want them to remember me for knowing all the funny lines in a favorite movie, or for having the latest techno toy, or for my nice house or nice car. I want to be remembered as that girl who was radical in her passion to love and serve Jesus."
This morning in church we sang, "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross." The chorus hit me hard -
Love so amazing, so divine
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
He deserves nothing less than that - my life, my soul, my all.