Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow Days

We received our first real snow of the season. And by 'real' snow I mean something more than a dusting. We only have about 2", but it is beautiful.

The children of this town are miffed about this snow. It came on a day that they already had no school. They feel have been robbed of a snow day.

When I was in school I hated snow days. I hated missing school. Going to school was my social time. I hated being off in the summer and longed for that first day of school to return. I couldn't wait to be with all my friends again. Going to class was a small price to pay for getting to have fun all day.

So today may be a rip off to the children of Southern Illinois, but for me it is perfect. I had already planned to be home with the kids. I get the beauty of the snow without the interruption of my schedule. Bonus.