Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Walking Through

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."

That is probably one of the best known Bible verses, right after John 3:16.When you read it what do you focus on?
No need to fear even when days are dark?
There is a valley of death somewhere?
God will get us through even the worst of times?

Recently I read the verse in a whole new light. My focus word is 'through.'

Our family is going through very dark days with the death of my sister-in-law, Susan. She was only 46 and died in a tragic accident while on vacation with her family in Hawaii.

We are going through that valley of the shadow of death. But I choose to focus on the fact that we are, indeed, going through it! We will not park and live there forever. We will push forward every day. And even when the day is so dark that we can't seem to see what lies ahead, we will push anyway.

We are forever changed, but we are not ruined. We are not dead. We are not incapacitated. We are grieving, it is hard, but as we push through this grief we will find ourselves arriving at the other side and knowing joy again.

1 comment:

  1. I like your focus on the "through it", therin lies our hope.

    I had an example in nature the other day. We were on our way to Sunday night services and the fog was incredibly thick. We literally could barely see where we were going yet, God gave us just enough vision to reach our destination.

    There are times when "walking through the valley" or trying to "navigate the dense fog" that we must rely not by sight or feeling but by the faith that he loves and cares for us and will see us through.

    Blessings dear ones!
